
Week One: Weak Skin by ellie berry

My photo, but not my hands. Close though.

First week back climbing! Yay! 

Ignoring the general upper body strength I had lost while walking, I had also lost all my calluses. I had forgotten how sore getting these back would be! And so many days, I feel it was my skin that gave out before my motivation. And seeing as I don't want to blow a tendon or do something silly, this was probably for the best. I guess. 

Climbing level is still low, but feel a noted difference each day. 

Core Routine:

  • 15 crunches
  • 7 push-ups
  • 15 opposite-knee-and-elbow-touch crunches
  • 7 push-ups
  • 30 - 45 sec flutter kicks
  • 7 push-ups
  • 10 climbers planks (per leg)
  • Plank race with partner or 60sec if alone
  • 7 push-ups

This is what I'm starting with as my core/arms workout. Need to find something else that I can do instead of all the push-ups. Although they're pretty great just to get my arms moving again and not put any strain on tendons or skin. 

Lastly - ClimbOn! is the greatest skin thing in the world. I even used it on my feet while I was walking. Thankfully it didn't pick up the smell along the way.